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Why Video Game Movies SUCK!
Release date June 2, 2015
Length 14:34
Link Why Video Game Movies SUCK!
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Episode 108
Series Game Theory
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"Hello, Internet. Welcome to GAME THEORY, the show about video games that occasionally makes an episode about movies. Video game movies; well, can you blame me? Netflix wanting to do a Zelda series, leaked emails about a Mario movie, and, well, we've talked enough about Scott and the gang..."

Why Video Game Movies SUCK! (subtitled Why video game movies SUCK!) is the 108th episode of Game Theory on The Game Theorists. MatPat explained why nearly all game-based movies are bad, and also announced the launch of The Film Theorists.


Video game movies have historically been TERRIBLE. Yes, there are a few gems in the rough, but by and large, movies BASED ON GAMES fail both critically and with audiences. When your top rated video game movie is rocking a solid F, you know you're in trouble. But WHY?!? Why is making movies based on popular game franchises SO HARD? The reasons may surprise you...

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